Why do I need a retirement plan?

What is retirement planning and what you should take not of?

Retirement planning is one of the most important facets of long term financial planning. The idea of retirement planning encompasses determining retirement goals as well as establishing actions and investments needing to be done early on to guarantee a steady income and comfortable retirement. The process of retirement planning often includes identifying and establishing sources of income, sizing up expenses, implementing a savings program as well as understanding and managing assets and risks. This is all done to maintain and ensure future cash flows in your post retirement era. 

Often the process of retirement planning begins when you establish your retirement goals. While this may vary for everyone depending on their aspirations beyond retirement, often it consists of establishing a steady and sustainable flow of cash after retirement. One of the key takeaways of a successful retirement planning lies in starting early. This includes but is not limited to ensuring that appropriate investments are made during the period of earning and employment (such as 401(k)). Additionally, retirement planning also involves creating savings where needed, especially in the event of medical emergencies. It is best to speak to a financial advisor when planning for your retirement, this helps establish the best strategies to meet your goals. 

Why do YOU need a retirement plan?

In short, everyone with  current employment with impending retirement ahead needs a retirement plan as it often reaps a range of benefits in the long run. 

One of the key factors of planning for your retirement early ensures that you are more likely to have a stress free retirement and period of employment. Having a retirement plan often reassures you that no matter what, you will have a steady source of income to maintain you during your retirement allowing you to relax and reap the benefits of retirement.

Another reason why you need retirement planning is the tax benefits that it provides. could potentially bring. Often certain long term investments come with certain tax benefits such as tax exemption. These maybe be utilised during retirement planning.

Soul Wealthy 

Soul Wealthy is one of Singapore’s leading financial advisors. As a company one of their major priorities lies in ensuring that their clients are abundant in assets as well as spirit. They aim to enrich the lives of their clients by aiding them in building a life of their dreams, while simultaneously creating a future of comfort and luxury.  The company consists of a highly experienced team of independent financial advisor representatives who are always ready to listen attentively to the goals and aspirations of their clients. Soul Wealthy unlike most other financial advisory companies, shows no discrimination towards any of their clients, welcoming individuals from all ages and all walks of life.

 Soul wealthy understands the needs and wants of their clients, and ensures that they create a tailored and customized Wealth journey unique to each person and their lives. At Soul Wealthy, they are constantly driven by the missions of helping anyone regardless of their level of knowledge, understand how time and money can be used to their advantage in their own unique lives. And best of all, consultation with their independent financial advisor representatives is completely obligation-free!
